Introduction. Zimmerman was settled in 1794 by Henry Zimmerman, a farmer and a miller. By 1814 he had convinced his family about this area's potential and they settled nearby. By 1869, Zimmerman had two sawmills, a furniture-turning factory, a grist mill, a shoe shop, woollen mill, post office, a tailor, dentist, blacksmith, and a school with eighty children in attendance. The local bar was on the NW corner of No.2 Side Road and Bell School Line. Other early settlers were the Bennett, Bridgeman and Campbell families.

Sign on hydro pole
Appleby Line near No2 Side Road |
Location. Appleby Line area between No.1 and No.2 Side Roads. There are two signs (as shown above) on Appleby Line marking the north and south bounderies. Both signs are attached to hydro poles. The first one is 100 m. north of No.1 Side Road (east side) and the second one 100 m. north of No.2 Side Road (west side). |
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4459 No.2 Side Road. 1887
Built by Peter Zimmerman

5071 No.2 Side Road. 1867
A Zimmerman home. Spring Loam Farm.
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5012 No.2 Side Road. 1820/50 |

5012 No.2 Side Road. 1820/50

5026 No.2 Side Road. 1860's.

5026 No.2 Side Road. Workshop/Garage. 1860's.

Zimmerman Church and School

Appleby Line at No2.Side Rd. Zimmerman School

4372 Appleby Line. Methodist Church 1890.
Current use: Trinity Baptst Church.

Campbell - Davidson Cemetery. Applyby Line

Appleby Line. E. side, N. of No.4 Side Road

Mary Ann Wolverton, wife of John Campbell.
The Davidson Wesleyan Methodist Church and cemetery was one of five Zimmerman area churches. The small frame church was located three km's north of Zimmerman Village on Appleby line, east side, about 200 m. north of No.4 Side Road. The church, later turned into a barn, burned down in 1907. |