The Canadian Directory of Water Towers and Standpipes is sponsored by "Understanding Your Home"

Tower Information
Signage: Hawkes Bay

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Hawkes Bay - Nfld. & Lab.
Photo © Bill Paterson

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Thumbnail Collection of USA Water Towers
USA Water Towers and Standpipes
Magnetic Hills: CA, USA, Worldwide

The History of the Christian Fish Symbol

Area Information
- Location:
The Town of Hawke's Bay is situated at the mouth of the Torrent River, nestled at the end of Ingornachoix Bay.
- Hawke's Bay was named in1766 by Captain James Cook to honor British Admiral Edward Hawke and his great navel victory over the French Fleet at Quiberon Bay in 1759.
- Hawke's Bay played a part in early aviation circles as one of the stops on the "First Round the World Flight" by US Army Services in 1924. Today the town boasts having two unique natural attractions, the Torrent River Nature Park & the John Hogan Trail.
Northern Peninsula

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